Sep 1, 2009

Pretzel, the gecko hunter

Yesterday Jane discovered 2 large geckos residing in our screened pool area. Peter tried, unsuccessfully, to trap them in a container. They are very fast little buggers. Pretzel thought this was great fun so she raised her tail and perked her ears up into hunting mode and started chasing real and imagined geckos. We haven't seen her move so fast in a long time! She looked like a puppy playing.

Today we had a home visit from the resident vet in our community. He is just wonderful, examined Pretzel and talked to us about her and our plans for about an hour...all for the wonderful price of $25.00!!! Anyway he told us that she has a heart murmur, grade 2, and explained the symptoms that we should look for if it gets worse. Right now she is ok. The good news is that it is very treatable with meds and all we have to do is call our vet and he will call in a prescription to any pharmacy. Any canine specific medication we can order from with his prescription. Our little girl is getting older but we feel so good about this new vet. He is willing to work with us while on the boat through phone calls and tell us what we can do and if we need to see another vet. He gave us a list of things to keep on the boat for Pretzel and talked about her upcoming plane flight back to Providence. This was a big worry for us wondering how to handle sickness, injuries, etc. with her. Now if it could only work with our medical doctors!!!


Anonymous said...

Pretzie the little hunter!!! miss her!!!

Lynn Acheson said...

Pleased to see that you made it home safely. Thanks for your confirmation about the bird being a starling. After some investigation ourselves we thought that it might be a starling, but I had never seen one looking like this before.
Good to see Pretzel looking rather perky. I suppose that back on dry land she has more chance to actually move around quickly too.
I am back into school mode now, so my blogging days are on hold for most of the time now. No daily updates, just every now and then. I will keep an eye on your travels though. bfn. Lynn