Saturday, October23, 2010
Friday morning we had the car packed to the roof with more boat stuff and headed 3 hours North of our house. Kinvara is stored in Green Cove Springs on the St John's River. It's 25 miles south of Jacksonville and just 20-25 miles inland from St Augustine. It's a lovely area but the marina is a do-it-yourself working boat yard. No amenities and a basic bathroom facility with 1 shower. We are "on the hard" so everything moves on or off the boat via a ladder. The pictures show our view from the second story. There are 2 boats beside us, one registered in Pirates Cove, R
I and the other Newport,
RI. So far there are not many here yet.
A big difference between storing in Florida or New England is the clean factor. Our boat is so incredibly dirty. It looks like it's been sitting in the yard for 5 years even though it was covered with a UV sun cloth!!
We have done one good scrubbing wash but it still needs more before we can wax. Tomorrow we start cleaning & waxing the hull in order to launch on Wednesday. It's hot during the day but cools off in the evening!!
We took a ride to West Marine in St Augustine today for supplies and made our reservation at St Augustine Municipal Marina for a week. Peter has to repair our stern navigation light as well as our starboard running light. The new Bridge of Lions is open and the temporary bridge has now been taken down. It looks fabulous!
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