Nov 7, 2010

St Augustine FL

Friday, November 5, 2010

We are sitting here in the cockpit today trying to stay warm!  A series of thunder storms passed through  yesterday before a cold front.  We spent 30+ days at home without rain then get on the boat and have had
rain every day. Today it is very windy and cold so it's a day to rest. Despite that it has been an interesting stay so far.   We met a nice couple from NJ who are on their way to Marathon in their Beneteau.  We hosted them last night for cocktails and got some good information about stops along the way.
Yesterday morning there were 2 motor boats in a hurry to leave their slips. One backed out but hit a sailboat next to it, damaging the davits which hold their dingy.  They did not stop so the marina called the police, who escorted the boat back to the marina. There were lots of uniforms on the dock that day.  Then a large 50+ motor yacht tried backing out against the 4knot incoming current and ended up drifting into the slip next to it and mowed down 2 pilings that separated the spaces.  So glad we were not next to them!  The pictures show our cockpit enclosed against the rain.

They also help us stay warmer when it turns cold.

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