May 25, 2012

Brunswick, Georgia...again!

We left St Mary's this morning with our buddy boat s/v Narsilion. We did not look back with regret. we had a wonderful time in November for thanksgiving but this is not a safe place in heavy winds. We were being pounded onto the dock all night which caused lots of splashing and little sleep. Jane woke at 4:30 AM and started planning the journey to Brunswick. The major trouble spot is crossing St. Andrew's Sound. This is about 30 miles from St. Marys and we planned to make it at slack tide at about 1pm.  St Andrew's sound requires you to travel out of the protection of the ICW into the ocean to avoid a nasty shoal at the entrance. Once we turned back toward shore the waves hit us broadside so it was rolly for a bit. You can look at the chart through the link below.,-81.4163&z=14

Shortly after entering the ICW outside St. Marys we passed a nuclear sub base, we are glad there were no mishaps today!! We are constantly reminded of the power of the US as we pass up and down the ICW. Just yesterday we saw a destroyer being constructed at a marina at the crossing of the St. John river and while tied up in St. Augustine we watched an air force refueling plane do touch and go landings and take-offs from the near by base.
Passing under the bridge before our turn into Brunswick we had to pass a very large ship!!


Brunswick Landing Marina is such a delight to return to. The docking is made so much easier by the two female dock masters who know how to get you tied up without breaking anything. Once here the cost is $2 per foot but everything is free...laundry, cable TV, etc.  We chose to come to Brunswick today because there is still a low  floating off the Florida coast which is expected to become a tropical storm and could be named.  Almost all models now show the low coming ashore near the Florida/Georgia border with high winds and lots of rain. Today's local news reported winds as high as 60k.  If that is for real we will have to take the canvas off the boat. Unfortunately without AC on the boat it could get very hot with all hatches closed. The good news about Brunswick Landing is a party on Memorial Day. For $10 we get steaks and live music. Boaters provide the side dished and BYOB. What a deal.  We also have friends we met in the Bahamas 2 years ago who live in Brunswick. they may come stay on their boat for the weekend so we will parrrrty!

It must be the calm before the storm right now because the wind has abated and it is a glorious evening!

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