Saturday July 7
The best part of cruising is meeting new friends who you just click with and enjoy their company. The worst part of cruising is eventually you have to part ways and say goodbye. We have been so fortunate along our travels to meet some friends who we have kept in touch with and meet up with again. This winter when we were in the Abacos we met Bill and Linda Daley from Ashland, Ma. They were on their first trip to the Bahamas aboard s/v Ceili. We had a great time together for the last 3 weeks of our visit and even travelled back to the US together. They returned to their home port of East Greenwich, RI in May. Yesterday we drove to their marina to meet up again. What a great time. We spent the entire afternoon reliving our time in the Bahamas, our highs and lows of the return trip north, boating in general, kids, etc. etc. etc. When we leave the dock at our current marina we hope to rendezvous around the area for some more fun cruising, beach barbecues, dingy races, and a sunset goombay smash. Peter and Bill will have to have another conch blowing contest at sunset! We miss Gail and Hans and Linda and Craig who were part of our Abaco crew.
Peter and Bill |
Jane and Linda |
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