Feb 14, 2010

February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day
We woke this morning to calm seas and sunny days. Our wind generator is finally fixed (hopefully) with the help of Brian, an electrical engineer from San Diego, CA, who has been on his boat with wife for 1.5 years. they are headed to Grenada for hurricane season. We finally feel like things are improving now. It was chilly, 70's (sorry snow country), but sunny and a happy day. Peter and I bought chocolates for each other and are riding the sugar high today!! After visiting our friends on Persephone we dingied across the harbor to volleyball Beach. there is a beach bar & deck restaurant which has a pig roast every Sunday. Delicious!! it included rice & peas, mac & cheese, carrots, and cole slaw. Mac & Cheese and rice & peas are staple side dishes like french fries or potatoes are at home. Last night we went to a restaurant, Peace & Plenty, for a Valentine's dinner of steak & lobster which was delish!!!
Kinvara rode out the front at the dock and we are leaving it tomorrow to re-anchor across the harbor again for a couple weeks. there are a few more fronts predicted but not as big as the one which just went through. We will take pics over the next week and post them the next time we get into town for internet. It is free outside Exuma markets, except mail boat day, when they shut it down to do their own inventory. So check in again in a few days for the next installment.


Buckleys said...

We've been wondering about your recent stay on the boat..It has been a much cooler and rainier winter than normal here. We are able to get inside during the cold and rain...and wonder how you're managing..or if it has been a problem. Looks like you're doing fine!
Wishing you warm breezes and sunny days.
Red Sox arrive today!

Buckleys said...

We've been wondering about your recent stay on the boat..It has been a much cooler and rainier winter than normal here. We are able to get inside during the cold and rain...and wonder how you're managing..or if it has been a problem. Looks like you're doing fine!
Wishing you warm breezes and sunny days.
Red Sox arrive today!

Betsy said...

Such fun following your Winter ... thanks for the blogs. Miss you both! Big move in 2 weeks... whew!
Love & hugs, Betsy