Mar 17, 2010

Captain's log, March 17th.

While my good friend Patricia celebrated a special birthday today and my cousin Liz opened her store in Kinvara for the 2010 season I snorkeled through some of the most awesome reefs in the Exuma Park. It is hard to describe the beauty of the undersea world I encountered, the only comparison is standing in front of an aquarium at sea world in Florida. The species of fish swimming in and out of various types of coral heads with their magnificent colors and their total lack of fear of the human invasion into their territory was awe inspiring. I am not a very religious person but this experience makes one look deep into ones soul and wonder about the existence of a higher power somewhere.It was a different way to spend St. Patrick's day for me away from friends and family but my thoughts were with you all and hope you all had a happy and safe celebration.

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