Jul 24, 2009

Cape Cod Canal to Wellfleet Harbor

On Friday morning by 7AM the wind died down so Captain Bugg decided to head through the canal while the tide was with us. There was some fog in Buzzards Bay and through the canal so we activated our automatic fog horn signal. It quickly became Jane's new favorite toy! We had a great sail across Cape Cod Bay with following winds of 18-22K plus the favorable currents. SOG in the canal reached 11k at times and across the bay we were at 8K with our 100% jib and motor sailing. Arriving in Wellfleet Harbor at high tide (2PM) the wind started gusting over 30K which caused great difficulty tying to the end dock. Wellfleet is a charming harbor but not made for sailboats!!! Low tide today was a 13' drop instead of the usual 10' because of the storm. So in the picture you can see our beautiful Kinvara "parked" at the dock. The "beach" is really as close as it looks. Peter just tested the depth and it was reading 3' and low tide is still an hour away. We will be grounded tonight and tomorrow morning for low tide. Departure will not take place until around 11-12. Wellfleet is better visited by car!!!

Peter's cousin's son, Gerard (from Ireland) is working at Mac's Seafood at the dock for the summer so he came for a visit on the boat this afternoon. After eating dinner at his place he surprised us with 2 HUGE lobsters, corn & potatoes. Thanks Gerard!!! They will make a great dinner tomorrow night.


Esmeralde said...

Sounds like all is going well! You are brave to head into Wellfleet... We've never thought about it. And we wondered what you would do yesterday, as winds here were gusting into the high twenties directly from the North. Not a great day to head from the Canal towards P-town or points north. We sat on the boat yesterday evening and it was VERY LONELY. No Pretzel, no Peter, no Jane, no Sport or Diva, no Andrea or Barry. :(

Unknown said...

Thanks for stoppin by in Wellfleet it was great to see you guys and the Kinvara boat sailin into the harbour, made the Summer for me! Safe travels to Provincetown and onwards.
Talk Soon!
Gerard :) :)