Jul 27, 2009

Kennybunkport, Maine

After anchoring at 7PM in Rockport we slept through thunderstorms and woke at 6 to leave again at 7AM for Maine. Our plan was to get to Portland or Casco Bay Islands. There was some fog on leaving so on went the horn again! After 1.5 hours it started to fade, then a rain storm came over us. After checking the XM weather on our computer it was clear to keep going...no more storm cells in sight. The sun came out and it was starting to be a great trip......until the wave height increased after the Isle of Shoals off Portsmouth, NH. They were 3+ feet and rolling in from the east. By 1PM we felt like we had been sitting on a rocking chair sideways all day. Still heading for the Portland area at 1:30, we were 5 miles offshore south of Kennybunkport when very thick fog rolled in. Visibilty was cut down to maybe 1/4 mile or less. Peter was tired, we were both stressed, so made the decision to go into Kennybunkport. We are at Chick's Marina on a dock for the first time in 6 days....and not rolling!!!! We washed the boat, our clothes, and ourselves thoroughly. Then we walked into the town center for a great dinner at a local restaurant. No new or exciting pictures to show this time.

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