Jul 13, 2009

July 6-12

During this week we had a lot of work done on the boat in preparation for our cruising South. We now have a freezer which keeps ice and even froze leftover chicken overnight!! Yeah...maybe ice cream? We also installed a new quiet electric toilet with fresh water flush. This is important because the standard systems flush with salt water. This can smell because there are living organisms in the salt water which remain in the intake piping and can cause "oderifis emanations". So far the new system works perfectly. Now we have to monitor our fresh water usage. We also had our radar dome moved onto the mast with a horn under it for hailer/loudspeaker capabilities. We thought it would be used for automatic fog horn capability but we found out that our VHF radio does not have fog signals and would have to be upgraded. Maybe they make a CD of fog signals? So we still have to use the hand held fog horn for now. Now that we have added energy hogs to our boat we really have to watch our consumption. Peter has decided to forgo showering & shaving until he reaches Florida in Dec. Will someone please meet us at the dock with a razor and aftershave? Jane has decided to use Peter's share of hot water and energy and may have to move into the forward cabin for fresh air.

The next project will be 2 solar panels, a wind generator, and 4 new batteries to boost our charging mode.
We hope this to be done next week so we can finally leave for Maine by the weekend. Wish us luck!!

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