Jan 19, 2010

Arrived in Nassau

We left Bimini Island yesterday at 7:30AM and experienced rough waves coming out of the harbor hitting us on the starboard beam for about 2-3 miles. We then turned ESE across the Great Bahama Bank. What an experience that was. You can see everything on the bottom--even in 12' of water. There were some shallow depths with only 5' under the keel but most of the way we had depths of 12'. It was a beautiful sunny day with little wind so we motor sailed most of the way. We travelled for 9 hours before dropping anchor. Now this was not the nice little anchorage one would envision. It was on the Bahama Bank, no land in sight, in 10' of water, 1.5 miles off the charted course. People typically don't travel the Bahama Banks at night because it's shallow and has no navigational aids. So we literally anchored in the middle of the ocean rolling on the waves. Today we were up early pulling anchor at 7AM. We had an uneventful day and arrived in Nassau by 3:30. It was impressive going past 4 cruise ships and Paradise Island, where the exclusive resort Atlantis is. We are expecting company from England tomorrow. They will stay for a week while we sail to the Exumas islands. We will add pictures and more info tomorrow. BTW my Verizon air card is working for Internet on extended network. Anyone know how much this is going to cost us??????

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