Jan 29, 2010

Exumas Land & Sea Park, Warderick Wells

We left our very pretty marina at 8AM this morning in 15-20K winds. Our weather router told us to go today or be stuck another 2-3 in Cape Eleuthra. We had to sail across Exuma Sound (really deep ocean water) and encountered rolling 4-6' waves. It was not the most comfortable ride and somewhat stressful but we finally made it here by 1:30PM. It was the longest 30NM we have sailed. Our depth meter read 138' before it went off the chart and started flashing. We travelled over waters that were 1000+ meters deep. Given each meter is apx. 3 feet that is abysmal!!! Our Internet connection is the park's satellite & somewhat slow so no pictures today. It is just beautiful. Everything on land and sea is protected so we sit on a mooring ball. they don't allow anchoring. We are happy with that because there is a front coming through tomorrow again. Pretzel is only allowed on the beach....no trails so she will get left on Kinvara a few times. There is a place here called Boo Boo Hill which is supposed to be haunted by souls from shipwrecks. So tonight, a full moon night, we will listen for the singing voices one should here. More to tell tomorrow.

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