Great Sale Cay 26 54.86N 78 37.49W
After such a pleasant crossing of the banks to Mangrove Cay yesterday, we woke at 11pm to howling winds and 2 to 3 foot seas. Kinvara was bobbing around like a cork and needless to say it led to a less than perfect nights sleep.
We decided at 8am this morning to forgo our planned cooked breakfast and get under way to our next destination, Great Sale Cay, some 20nm away. The Admiral took the helm and the captain donned his life jacket and went forward to retrieve the anchor. Once again the crew worked like a well greased wheel and we set our course away from Mangrove Cay.
The wind was on our port beam so we put up full sail and we were soon skimming across the 12 to 15 ft deep bank at up to 7.7 knots. What a ride. The sun rose and warmed us and the captain put Margaritaville on our awesome Sirius radio, which just happened to be broadcasting a recording of a Buffet concert. Life is good.
We dropped anchor at Great Sale, our second uninhabited island, at just after 11am. Once we completed our anchoring and tidying up the cockpit the admiral cooked the most incredible brunch of ham, eggs and home made hash browns mixed with onion. A toasted bagel and iced coffee topped an awesome feast.
We anchored inside the "crab" claw |
A few hours after we arrived we saw another sail on the horizon. We acted like Robinson Caruso after being alone on a deserted island for years. As we write we have spotted another boat approaching and once again we watch their approach with anticipation. Maybe this one will be captained by Jack Sparrow!!
Fresh Irish brown bread has just been removed from the oven and a pair of stuffed chicken breasts have replaced it. Dinner in an hour; salad, brown bread and stuffed chicken breasts. Does it get better?? The sunset was spectacular this evening.
Incredible!!!!!!!!! |
We hope tomorrow will bring calmer conditions as we plan to make our next land fall at Spanish Cay. We hope to be in Green Turtle Cay on Saturday and spend at least the weekend there. They have cable TV on the dock so we will be able to watch the game on Sunday. Go Patriots.