Jan 4, 2012

A New Beginning for 2012

     Our new year begins aboard s/v Kinvara at Harbortown Marina Cape Canaveral, Florida. We moved aboard on January 2 to get a start on Tuesday. However, like all boaters, weather won the day. Our temperatures overnight fell to the 30's but the wind started blowing 20-25 with gusts to 30 making our wind chill in the 20's. We decided to stay aboard at the dock to stay warm. So today, January 4 we left at 10AM to get our bridge opening (after closing for commuter hours) at 10:30. We were able to travel 26 miles to our first anchorage just south of Melborne. This is the last anchorage deep enough for us before Vero Beach, 25 miles further. We would not make it there before dark so we stopped and dropped the hook at 3:30. It was a sunny day and the enclosure kept us warm with the green house effect. Temperatures maxed at 58' today but are only dropping to the mid 30's overnight with no wind. It's warming up into the 70"s after today so we are good to go.
     2012 is a new beginning aboard Kinvara without our faithful little companion so it will be all new having the freedom to travel further and longer both on the boat and off. It's like the empty nest syndrome. Sad but exciting at the same time.
     Our excitement of the day was traveling with 2 wonderful pods of dolphins. Both had babies with them so we figured the protection of the ICW must be where they have their babies. The larger ones were swimming alongside the hull and a few times we had a dolphin riding the bow wave. Too fast for a good picture but really fun! We will have a spectacular sunset tonight while Peter grills pork chops for dinner. Early to bed to stay warm then we hope to be under way by 6:30AM at first light.

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