Jan 20, 2012

Mangrove Cay, Jan 18th.

Wednesday, January 18 we made our crossing of the Gulf Stream to the Bahamas. The crew woke at 4AM for coffee, breakfast, and a final check of the boat. The anchor was raised at 5AM and we headed out Lake Worth Inlet. We were in darkness until dawn started about 6:30. We spotted a few motor boats, a few sailboats far ahead headed our direction and a Bahamas cruise ship coming into West Palm Beach.

When daylight was fully established we passed by 2 large cargo ships. One ship appeared on our AIS as a dangerous target so Peter spoke to them on the VHF and they altered course to pass on our stern. We thanked the Caribbean Sina for this. If we had altered course the gulf stream current would have pulled us north and we would lose time trying to get back on course.

Caribbean Sina...thanks

We had really good conditions for most of the crossing with 2-3' waves. The last 2 hours in the stream the waves increased 2-4 and the angle of the waves made us do a lot of rolling. We did get our sails up for a few hours when the wind direction was favorable and increased to 10-12mph. The rest of the day it was light and variable. Bravo Chris Parker, once again he was spot on with his forecast.

Once on the Little Bahamas Bank we again delighted in the beautiful color and clarity of the water.s. Skimming along in 15 feet at seven and a half knots takes getting used to. It amazes us that you can clearly see the bottom in 15' of water. Peter put his fishing rod out to catch something...only seaweed.

We decided to keep moving in daylight to reach our first anchorage at Mangrove Cay, a small island of just mangrove trees. We dropped anchor at 5PM 12 hours after we left the US. Again we marveled at following the anchor rode along the bottom. Jane was able to see it drop and set in the sand. Before making dinner we sat in the cockpit to relax and watch a glorious sunset.

This water was only 15' deep.

One boat we passed during the afternoon came into the anchorage just at dark. He had a four legged friend aboard and his first duty was to get the pooch to the island to make a long awaited pee. We hope his trip was successful because we did not see any easy access through the mangrove on the island.

We are flying the quarantine flag until we can check in with immigration on Spanish Cay. We don't expect to get there until Friday.

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