Jul 26, 2009

Provincetown to Cape Ann (Rockport, MA)

We spent the morning in Provincetown waiting for the rain to clear and fog to lift. After checking the XM weather and seeing the storm cells gone we decided to drop the mooring and head to Cape Ann. Jane's favorite new toy...the automatic fog horn went into use for about an hour. We actually had about 3/4 mile visibility but Jane loves hearing it so on it went. The skies cleared and we had following winds of 15-20 and an easy motor sail for most of the trip. Spotted about 10 whales along the way. Some were spouting, a few breaching, and a pair quite close to our boat blowing and floating in the sun. You can just see the back of one in the picture. There were lots of fishing boats and whale watch cruises out. We also contacted the large carrier in the picture above since we were on a course to collide but he saw us and we both were able to maneuver. Thank goodness the fog cleared!!! We finally dropped anchor in Rockport's Sandy Cove at 7 and had grilled pork chops, rice pilaf, and peas for dinner. Eat your hearts out Sarah and Natalie!!!! Our newly installed Sea Frost freezer is working great. We love the convenience it gives us. Haven't been to a store to provision since we left last Wednesday!! Leaving early tomorrow for Portland or Casco Bay.


Unknown said...

Hi Peter & Jane,

Good to see your progress. I wasn't sure about going into Wellfleet since I thought it was too shallow. What made you decide to go in there and did you wind up on the bottom at low tide as you anticipated?

Continued success.

Don Lane

Lynn Acheson said...

What does Pretzel think about the foghorn? Pat says have you got the satellite TV and 46 in TV screen installed yet? You seem to have every other mod con on Kinvara now! We went on a whale watching trip on the Cape a couple of years ago and had some great whale sightings too.Talk to yuo sonn.
Pat & Lynn XX

Lynn Acheson said...

Ooops! The teacher didn't proof read her work before publishing!!!!!

Esmeralde said...

Looks like you're right on schedule for Boothbay. Have fun! We expect to leave tomorrow. Pea Soup fog for now... It's very quiet at our little dock. -D, B & P

Unknown said...

Love reading your updates and trip progress! I can remember deep sea fishing out of Wellfleet, almost didn't make it back into the harbor at low-tide, and climbing the ladder at the dock with all our gear.. UGH. Glad to hear all your new gear is working out and that Jane has found a new toy!

Miss you guys at the dock!

Continued safe travels!
Dave & Judy Landry

Natalie Bugg said...

Hey mom and dad!! sounds like things are going well......seeing the whales is so exciting. Pretzel is doing well....sleeping a lot.....getting WAY better with me leaving the house....doesn't even really bark anymore! Everyone is excited to go sailing this week so I hope you make it to Boothbay!!!