Along the way Natalie called from the Rome airport. She was starting her trip back home, flying through Paris. A long day but one I'm sure she will be glad to be home again.
Two years ago we were sailing from Boothbay to Biddeford Pool with our friends, Roland & Mona Levesque. We had engine trouble and had to go into Portland to fix the problem. Well..............
it happened again! Once past the shipping lanes our engine sputtered quite a few times making us rethink our plans. I think there is a bad engine witch outside Portland just sitting there to get us. We decided to continue to Biddeford Pool since we could sail in if needed-or Peter would lower the dingy to push us in. I called the Biddeford Pool YC to see if they could give us a mooring. I was told they were private and all reserved. As I write this there are still 5 empty balls.
Anyway we were lucky to make it in still under power. After anchoring, relaxing, and having lunch, Peter set about changing the fuel filters. He really thinks we got bad deisel since we just topped up in Boothbay. The last time we filled in Boothbay we discovered 24 hours later some corrosive areas around the fuel cover and along the fiberglass channel. Don't know what is causing it since it never
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