Aug 1, 2009

Boothbay Visitors

On Thursday Natalie and 3 friends, Cara, John, and Lou, joined us for the day. they had been camping near Brunswick and wanted to come for a sail. Although the weather, on waking, was foggy and rainy, it cleared by noontime. So we went for a sail where everyone took a turn at the helm. Lou even donned a pirate hat and got into character quickly! When we returned to the mooring the girls went swimming and kayaking. We ended the day with a cookout on board. Everyone had a great day. The weather cooperated thankfully!! Pretzel was returned to us that day so we are now with dog.
Friday it rained all day. We took the day to do some laundry, clean the boat for company, and pay bills online. Thank goodness for our computer and Verizon air card. We would be lost without it.

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