Jan 20, 2011

On The Move...Finally!!

On Wednesday night, just for the fun of it, we dropped the depth line at half hour before low tide. It showed 5 feet under the waterline. So we turned the instruments on and , sure enough, the depth meter read 0.0!! We were sitting in silt. Although Kinvara was moving ever so slightly we were grounded! So that meant we had to leave only during the incoming tide.

Fast Forward: This morning high tide was scheduled for 11AM but we checked the depth again at 8:30AM. We had about 1.2 feet under our keel so we prepared to leave. By 9AM Kinvara was outbound on the St Lucie River. We listened to a CG announcement about the Parker Bridge being down so we had to decide to run outside or stay inside the ICW. A decision was made to stay inside. The trip was a pleasant one until we got to Jupiter Inlet. We had a few bridge tenders not in the most friendly of moods. When we reached the Parker Bridge, ready for the 3:15 opening, it was announced that it would not open until 3:45. After that we literally raced as fast as the engine would take us to make our anchorage in Lantana before dark. Our last bridge, Lantana, was a real gem. He held the bridge open for us a few extra minutes to let us pass. So, we were able to set anchor by 5:45. It's 6:35 now, totally dark, but we are sitting outside with a pleasant breeze, listening to our Sirius radio and imbibing wine or coke, and crackers & cheese. The wind generator is running, our anchor position is holding, and the temperature is in the 70's. Life doesn't get much better.

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