Jun 15, 2012


This morning we woke early and had our coffee by 6am. We checked the weather again and decided that things had not settled enough to head out again. We had breakfast and sat around twiddling our thumbs until we saw another boat leaving so guess what, we decided to give it a shot. By now it was 8.30am and the sky looked clear and the wind seemed to have died down somewhat. We exited the marina and headed for the open Chesapeake Bay. We turned north on our intended course and within twenty minutes we decided that the 20k wind on the nose and the 4ft seas bouncing us like a cork was not conducive to a pleasant passage. We tacked to port and headed into the anchorage we stayed at 3 years ago on our way south. We dropped anchor and settled in for another relaxing day.

Shortly after anchoring Peter saw a boat being taken out on the lift and having the bottom pressure washed. He has been concerned about the prop and the zincs so he decided to call the marina and see if we could get a short haul and take care of the bottom etc. We were scheduled to be hauled at 2pm so we hauled the anchor and headed for the lift. The prop was working fine but the zinc needed replacement as well as the shaft zinc. The crew scraped the crustaceans off and power washed the bottom. Nice to know everything is in good shape for our remaining trip to RI.
We will try again tomorrow to head as far north as is comfortable. It looks as if we will not be stopping in Annapolis this trip. The weather seems to be in our favor next week so we will have to take advantage of it To get through the Delaware River and past the NJ coastline. 

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