Jun 4, 2012

Make Way for Ducklings

When we arrived at the dock yesterday in Georgetown we were greeted by 3 older duckings who swim together constantly. There were also 2 ducks, a mated pair, (don't ask how we know!) who drove the ducklings away any time Jane tried to feed the babies. So she had to throw bread in 2 directions to keep them all happy.

Today we woke at 6AM and prepared to leave by 6:30....until we checked the weather. There was a line of thunder storms moving west across the southern states and the first one was almost on top of us. So we decided to wait an hour or so.  When the storms kept appearing on our radar we decided to call it a day and stay another night. You don't want to move through the marshes with a 60' pole when there is lightening around.  So it was a quiet day and Jane decided to tell you our story in "duck talk". She is starting to go "quackers" from waiting out the weather!

Not that @*# phone alarm again!

Peter!Wake up! There's a thunder storm coming!

Now that we are staying in Georgetown
what do we do?

Let's take a walk into town for coffee
and browsing through the shops.

It's raining, we better get back to the boat.

Jane, "I'm going to shower and color my hair".
Peter, "I'm going to have a cup of tea and watch TV".

We can always leave tomorrow.

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