Yesterday was anot
The weather prediction was wrong, of course and we encountered clouds, 25k winds and lots of short choppy waves because it is so shallow here. To top things off our engine started sputtering at 09:00 hours. Holding our breath we hoped for the best and got the worst. Our engine quit an hour later. We did not have conditions for Peter to change filters so we sailed across Albermarle Sound into the Alligator River. After 3 hours of this Peter turned the key and the engine started up so we motored through a swing bridge and made it to our anchorage in the river just before going into a canal. Thank goodness. Peter took an hour off to de-stress before tackling the filters. Then our battery monitor went haywire so Peter was able to check the battery charge and reset it. By the time we got to bed at about 10PM the wind was topping off at 25k in an anchorage with 10 boats and not much wind protection. We were up periodically throughout the night to check our position and Peter went topsides to check the anchor rode 3 times. The only one who slept was Pretzel. Are we having fun yet???
Anchorage in Alligator we travelled with s/v Meredith and s/v Mystic