Still stuc

k in Solomons Island. We are going through the same Nor-Easter that New England is having. Tomorrow is another storm moving in from the Carolinas coastline. Yesterday it rained hard all day. Peter and I escaped for an hour or so to go to the little restaurant, The Naughty Gull, for a dinner for 2. Being in Maryland everything is crab; crab cakes, crab legs, things stuffed with crab, etc., etc., etc. It was OK...not as good as The Grill at NEB but we have only eaten off the boat twice so it was a nice change.
Today, Friday. We are doing laundry, grocery shopping and meeting with some people traveling South. We had lunch with Norman and Linda Passmore who had their boat on our dock in NEB until they retired and moved south in 2007. It was nice catching up on our respective adventures and our plans for the future.

We had our new friends, Dave & Trudie for dinner last night. Dave looked at our SSB radio and figures something is not working correctly because we have so much squelch on it. Anyway we have someone coming Tuesday to look at it. So we are here until then. The weather is not going to break until Tues. anyway so we are OK with it.
Today, Saturday, it has rained all day and our heat is cycling on & off all day. Temps. in the 40's, windy, wit

h soaking rain. Even our canvas is saturated and dripping through the zippers. Our enclosure has now become the back porch. Our forward cabin has now become the "hot press" (Irish for room with heat to dry damp items.
We visited

another couple on their Beneteau42 today and they gave us lots of helpful hints on traveling down the ICW. They live in Hilton Head, NC. and have done the trip a dozen times. On our way to lunch yesterday we passed a very special store and had to return to take a picture for Pretzel's friend in Jamestown.
1 comment:
Well it seems like your weather over there is a tad worse than here. We are having a beautiful autumn with no frost as yet. I haven't even put the central heating, although we have lit the fire most evenings. Things at school are hectic, with lots of assessments and writing to level for the forthcoming parents evenings. I have spent all my weekend working and have been screaming in frustration as my laptop is dying and won't do anything without a 5 minutes delay. I can use the main PC but a lot of my files and software aren't on it needless to say! I have also got a student in next week so need to impress her with my planning and organisation. Ha! Ha! It seems like you are making a lot of new friends on your journey, although at the moment it looks like a very long camping holday, with the rain and dripping canvas! Although I envy you your freedom, I'm not sure about being out of my house for so long. When this week is over, we have half term so I'll be able to catch up on all my jobs and have some relaxation. Your journey looks like you have about another two thirds of it to go. Let's hope the weather starts to improve as you move further south. bfn Lynn
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