Oct 22, 2009

Day 36 Deltaville to Norfolk, VA

A beautiful sunrise greeted us in Deltaville this morning. About 15 min. later we had the anchor raised and were heading out of the little creek. A large dolphin greeted us along the way out, surfacing along our starboard side. The first 20 miles we had 4' seas and 15k wind. It calmed down after passing the York town river. We were greeted by another pod of dolphins and lots of sailboats heading south. Kinvara was averaging 8.5k the first 20 miles while motor sailing so we passed out all of them. Getting closer to Norfolk there was lots of boat & Navy activity. The US Navy must rule half of the Atlantic seacoast but Norfolk is definitely the staging area for active duty ships. The pictures don't capture the magnitude of ships along the river.

Once we arrived at Hospital Cove, our anchorage, we saw our new friends, Dave & Trudie, s/v Persephone again. Trudie and Jane made plans to get off the boat and find a pedicure!
Last night Peter tested his SSB radio. He was able to get through to Eric Mandelbaum aboard s/v Antares off Point Judith, RI. Eric was on his last leg of single handed sailing to Annapolis from Portsmouth, RI and back again. Bravo Eric, you are one incredible pirate. The SSB communication was extremely clear. We are so happy to finally have it fixed and relieved that we can now communicate long distances. We both plan to study for a HAM radio license this year.
Below are some of our sights coming into Norfolk. Talk about transformers!!

This one is for Bruce! This one is a little bigger than the one in Maine that I won the $2.00 driving the dingy under.

The ship on the left may be the one constructed from steel salvaged from the Twin Towers. It was one of two similar ships in the navy dock area we passed on our way in. With such power in our hands why can't we find Bin Laden???

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Those pics are cool! Miss you guys.